It is done!

This post is coming way too late, I know. Wifi turned out to be a scarce commodity in the Alps and the day after the Megavalanche I left to relax on Corsica for another four weeks. Anyway… it is done! My Mega adventure has come to an end.

The event was everything I thought it would be and more. The nerves going through mind and body when you’re standing at the starting line are insane. Two fellow Dutchmen got injured during practice. One broke his finger, the other ripped the artery in his ankle on the glacier a few days before the race and had to be picked up by a helicopter.  So yeah, the adrenaline rush was definitely insane.

My qualification result was pretty bad because my rear derailleur broke not long after the start. I managed to finish though and made it into the Mega Amateur which meant I’d still have a mass start like I wanted – in the Mega Affinity there’s no mass start anymore.

The start of the main race was absolutely mental. There were people running, riding, sliding and falling everywhere. The glacier was also really difficult to ride. The snow was more like an icy mush. I managed to get to the finish line in 2.03 hours. This time included two crashes and some repair time. It has been mentioned on this blog before that the Mega is not really difficult to ride. That’s true, but it is certainly challenging at parts. This also depends on your skills of course. But most brutal of all is the duration. In the long root section I was literally screaming: ‘Ahhh my arms!’

I can tell you all about it (and I will as I’m planning to make an First Timer Guide out of this blog) but I think the edit below sums the whole experience up really well. Enjoy watching and thanks for your support!

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